A home for teenage girls in crisis
You just found out your 15 year old daughter is smoking pot.
Your 17 year old granddaughter was raped at a party…
Your 13 year old niece has been sexually exploited…
She’s cutting.
She’s rebellious.
She’s hurting.
And so are you.
Where do you turn?

About Bloom
A Place for Girls is a short-term, Adult & Teen Challenge program in a home-like setting dedicated to helping troubled teen girls, youth ages 12-17, and their families through difficult times. We offer a 3-5 month, faith-based residential program where troubled girls can come into a safe environment and experience help, hope and freedom. Through Biblical Counseling, Christian curriculum and compassionate 24/7 care, each teen is given an opportunity at a fresh start!
Bloom, Adult & Teen Challenge: Alternative to Residential Treatment Centers, Helping Troubled Youth with Mental Health/Abuse/Drug/Alcohol Problems
Bloom – A Place for Girls provides a safe, structured, home-like residential facility for groups of teenagers, and is an excellent alternative to a group home. Parents just don’t know what to do with an out of control teenager, or how to help a teen with depression and feel helpless when it’s their own daughter. Or maybe she’s battling anxiety or an unhealthy relationship with a boyfriend. It can be extremely difficult raising a child in today’s society for any parent. Every day they face all kinds of temptations outside of the home, peer pressure groups, high expectations, violence and abuse. The results can be more than devastating. It’s not uncommon for parents of adolescents to notice changes in behavior, such as: anger or rage issues, substance use disorders, physical abuse, sexual promiscuity, depression, anxiety, suicide attempts and more. At Bloom, we understand these issues and behaviors. We understand teenage girl problems because we’re here helping groups of teenage daughters like yours battle with them every hour of the day.
Depression, anxiety and many other kinds of life-controlling issues, mental health issues, emotional issues, and teenage girl problems can lead to such things as substance abuse such as alcohol abuse and drug addiction, cutting, running away, anger, stealing, vandalism, out of control actions, and the list goes on. Our staff help them overcome these teenage girl problems at our group treatment facility. However, for many, not all issues are internally based. Physical, sexual and emotional abuse from others leads to a myriad of symptoms and behavioral issues. Our staff helps get to the bottom of the internal turmoil they are experiencing and provide a solid foundation upon which to build their treatment and recovery.
Faith-Based Residential Care Program for Troubled Teens & an Alternative to Group Home Facilities, Child Therapies, & Teenage Rehab Centers
Bloom is a program of the world-renowned Adult & Teen Challenge organization that provides time-proven, Christian, faith-based, residential programs for groups of youth, teens and adults in crisis. Bloom girls home is for teen girls in crisis. We successfully lead each troubled adolescent girl in any teenage crisis situation to the other side. We find that often, a parent prefers sending their daughters to Bloom – A Place for Girls instead of traditional therapy, teens group home, mental health facility, or teens treatment center.
You may have already tried traditional teen treatment plans, individual therapy services for teenage girl problems, behavioral care facilities, residential treatment facilities, drug/alcohol rehab, or even a boot camp for teenage girls, without success. Our short-term, residential treatment center is one of only two in the country to focus solely on the unique issues faced by today’s adolescent females. Although we service young people in need of help from all over the U.S. and Canada, most of our students come from CT, MA, NH, VT, NY, NJ, PA, OH, Montreal and Quebec.
For any parent, sending their child to a home so far away from you can seem difficult at first, but removing her from her current situation and familiar activities is important to a successful recovery. We believe our Adult & Teen Challenge Bloom program works better than a typical rehab for teenage girls.
Home for Girls in Crisis – Cultivating Growth, Recovery, Healing, and Life Skills
Bloom is a true home away from home for troubled girls which provides help for troubled teens. Our accepting, safe treatment environment and residential setting are essential to program success and the growth and development of your troubled daughter. We are not a traditional teen treatment center, rehab for teens, mental health facility, girls group home, or residential treatment program for teenage girl problems as we do not follow these traditional methods or treatments. We are however, a group youth and teen residential center that exists for the sole purpose of helping with the health, care, recovery, and well-being of troubled girls struggling through times of crisis. Our successful faith-based youth programs for troubled teens consistently deliver healthy-minded young women back to their parents within a few months.
Some group schooling is also provided for the short period of time that she is here. Almost all of those who graduate from Bloom’s home for girls in crisis are genuinely grateful for the education they have received and to have been saved from the problems or situation they were in and are eager for a new beginning, feeling and believing they have a purpose in life.
Graduates of Bloom emerge stronger, with a zest for living, valuable life skills, and an uplifting sense of having been healed and truly blessed. We firmly believe the Bloom program for troubled girls is the absolute best treatment program in the country for teens in crisis mode. Any number of issues plague our youth today.
For more about the mental health of today’s troubled teenage youth or for information about New England’s Adult & Teen Challenge residential facilities for men, teenagers, and for other Adult & Teen Challenge centers and facilities, visit the links at the bottom of that page.